WCP & Community Core Programs
Educational Services: Our educational programs are designed to give and restore women’s autonomy over their future via education. During the time spent at WCP, our ladies will be exposed to tools to propel them towards new areas of learning, or completion of previously started programs. WCP’s educational programs are a cut above the rest.
Employment Services: Our employment programs meet the needs of each woman where they are. We will assist them to scaffold on their existing skills, and/or guide them towards career choices where they will be successful. Enhancing their proficiencies to be employable and retainable, is our primary goal.
Housing Programs: WCP’s goal is to offer abused women a plethora of reputable housing programs in the city of Peel. We have and will continue to work collaboratively with other shelters and community based organizations, to ensure our clients have access to safe, transitional, permanent, and possible home ownership. We understand the difficulties associated with finding housing in our present climate, and we are dedicated to making the process less daunting for women.
Health & Wellness: WCP’s health & wellness programs undoubtedly speak to the challenges women in “survival mode” encounter. After traumatic experiences, it is an arduous task to find resources, to address both theirs and their children’s (if applicable), mental and physical health needs. Women and Children Precious Shelter’s health and wellness programs eliminates the women’s frustration in this process.
A Safe and Secure Shelter For Women and Children Fleeing Abuse, 24-Hours/ 7 Days per Week
Private & Confidential Support Assistance (24-Hours) by Telephone or In Person
Emergency Transportation to the Shelter
Food, Clothing and Basic Personal Necessities upon Arrival
Children & Youth Support Staff Available
Assistance finding Community Resources and Support
Legal and Court support Referrals and Information as Required
Assistances with Special Priority for Housing (geared to income)
Assistance with Educational Programs
Language Interpretation can be arranged
Counselling Support Available